In Classical Osteopathy, we assess and treat the pattern we find in the moment. Each and every visit, you are different — within and between your structural tissues, and we adjust treatment accordingly: Osteopathic Treatment Principles vs a set of standard techniques or ‘moves’… Read on, or book a visit.
What It Is
Osteopathy literally means, “the suffering (pathos) of the structure (osteo)”. But when you hear the term “osteopathy”, you probably think it’s something about treating bones. In fact, bones are only part of what it’s about.
Osteopathy is about the biomechanics of bones and muscles together, and how they’re integrated with, and support the physiology of your entire body. It focuses on the patient rather than the disease, where rational treatment is based on these main principles:
Humans are dynamic, functional beings whose health is influenced by the body, mind and spirit
Your body heals itself naturally because of its inherent, self-regulating mechanisms
Structure and function are interrelated at all levels of the human body
It’s a form of manual therapy discovered in the 1800s by scientist physician Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. He found that if the body is in normal alignment and balance to allow the flow of our own healing processes, it will be in normal health. He practised and taught a philosophy of treatment that is based on Principles and as such, it’s called Classical Osteopathy. That’s what I believe in, and it’s what I do.